Needy - John 6

January 23, 2022

Main Idea: Only Jesus gives true life.

  1. John 6

    • Background (vv. 1-4)

    • Problem and Provision (vv. 5-15)

    • Searching for Jesus (vv. 22-24)

    • A Difficult Teaching (vv. 25-59)

    • The Fallout (vv. 60-66)

  2. Significance (vv. 67-69)

    • Look to Jesus.

    • Rest in Jesus.


What is your favorite bread product? Why?

Digging Deeper

  1. Read John 6:1-15 and then John 6:35. How does John 6:35 explain the miracle of John 6:1-15?

  2. Read John 6:22-29.

    • What motivates the crowd to search for Jesus?
    • Does Jesus give them what they want? Why or why not?
  3. Read John 6:30-34.

    • How is the crowd focusing on the gift rather than the Giver? How do we do the same?
    • Read Romans 1:21-22. Idolatry is when we exchange the Creator for creation (or Giver for the gift). Do you think the people are being idolatrous?
  4. Read John 6:52-59. How would you respond to a friend who reads this for the first time and then asks you, "So Christians are cannibals?" [Hint: Use this as an opportunity to unpack the good news Jesus is declaring in John 6.]

Next Steps

  1. What is so wrong with looking to Jesus to satisfy you as the crowd did? That is, is there anything wrong with asking for bread?

  2. How do you know if your requests to God are idolatrous?

  3. Jesus' declaration that He is the bread of life and uniquely able to save us strikes at our own desire to glorify and save ourselves. Do you find Jesus' message offensive (cf. John 6:61)? Why or why not?

  4. Read John 6:66-69.

    • Peter affirms that only Jesus has the words of eternal life and can satisfy. Pick something people today try to find ultimate hope in and then describe how that is not able to ultimately save or satisfy us.
    • How would you turn Peter's words into prayer and praise?

The next English baptism is scheduled for Easter Sunday, April 17th. If you are interested, please learn learn more and contact Justin.