
November 1, 2020

Main idea: Out of control, but in God's hands.

Isaiah 7

  • Crisis (Isaiah 7:1-9)
  • Sign Rejected (Isaiah 7:10-13)
  • Sign Given (Isaiah 7:14-17)

Crises can reveal ...

  • Our lack of control.
  • The focus of our trust.
  • God's saving grace.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’S purpose that prevails.” (Prov 19:21)


  • Share about an event, performance, or presentation you prepared or practiced a lot for. How did it go?

  • Why is being well-prepared still no guarantee for success? How frustrating is that for you?

Digging Deeper

In Isaiah 7, King Ahaz, the King of Judah (the southern kingdom), faces King Rezin of Aram (AKA Syria) and King Pekah of Israel (the northern kingdom). As a result, he and the people of Judah are terrified (Isaiah 7:2) by this crisis.

  1. What do crises often reveal about us? Why are crises able to reveal such personal truths?

  2. Discuss: "What you're trusting in is most clearly revealed during a crisis."

  3. In Isaiah 7:4-9, how is Isaiah's response to this imminent threat described?

  4. Read Isaiah 40:15.

    • How do Isaiah's words in Isaiah 7:4 reflect Isaiah 40:15?
    • How does Isaiah 40:15 frame current global politics? (Note: this could turn into quite a rabbit trail! 🐰 )
  5. Divide and read the following texts: Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:6-7; 1 Chronicles 28:20; and 2 Timothy 1:6-8.

    • What is the context of each text?
    • Who is speaking and to whom?
    • How do these words bring encourage faith?
    • What words encourage your faith? Why?
  6. How is Christ the perfect fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14?

Next Steps

  1. How does knowing that God is in control of all things and with you ("Immanuel") change how you think about the frustrating or difficult situations you have been facing lately?

  2. What are some ways we can deepen our trust in God this week?

  3. How does the gospel strengthen our trust in God?

  4. How can we help each other to remember to live with hope and purpose?