Coronavirus COVID-19 Guidance

August 10, 2021

Continue to:

  • mask
  • clean piano, keyboard, and mics
  • use separate mic windscreens
  • close water fountains


  • social distancing (except for children)
  • opening the windows
  • spraying objects (aside from those listed above) with disinfectants


  • Bibles in the pews
  • choir: vaccinated choir members may sing without masks; unvaccinated should continue to mask.
  • sports (table tennis, badminton, basketball) for those vaccinated
  • lunch when logistically possible


  • 戴口罩
  • 清潔鋼琴、鍵盤和麥克風
  • 使用單獨的麥克風擋風玻璃
  • 關閉飲水噴泉


  • 社交距離(兒童除外)
  • 打開窗戶
  • 用消毒劑噴灑物體表面(除了上面列出的那些)


  • 長椅上的聖經
  • 合唱團:接種疫苗的合唱團成員可以不戴口罩唱歌; 未接種疫苗的應繼續戴口罩。
  • 接種疫苗者的運動(乒乓球、羽毛球、籃球)
  • 在后勤管理上许可的情況下吃午餐

May 20, 2020


CCCI will trail the Indiana State Department of Health staged reopening with a minimum of a 2-week delay.

If there is no evidence of significant infection rebound within the community, then CCCI Sunday worship can resume in the following modified phased-plan:

  • late-June: 50% capacity (June 21: last names A-M; June 28: last names N-Z) with new mitigation strategies including, but not limited to: the Mandarin service starting at 9 AM, an optimized sanctuary layout, wearing face coverings, no children or youth gatherings (therefore, children will sit with parents during worship), and vulnerable individuals sheltering in place
  • early-July: full capacity with the same mitigation strategies, but with vulnerable individuals welcomed with modifications.

Many more details available here.



6月底:半数开放(6/21:姓氏A-M;6/28:姓氏N-Z)。采用新的缓解方式充许教会设施容纳半数的会众,包括但不限于:中文堂始于 早上9点,尽保持大堂里最合适场地排法,戴上口罩,不开办任何儿童或青少年聚会,并且弱势群体暂別回来教会场地;



March 13, 2020

In light of the governmental guidance, the pastoral team has decided to close the church and move to livestreaming our Sunday worship starting this Sunday, March 15, 2020.

Please join us for worship from your home at 9:30 am (Mandarin) or 11:00 am (English) at

Although these are unique and difficult days, it is important for us to continue to follow the Lord.

Therefore, please continue to use the Daily Guides to lead your daily and family devotions and continue to meet in your growth groups (whether in real life or online).

May God give us the grace to grow in Him!








March 11, 2020

The church's position is to encourage brothers and sisters to attend every meeting with faith in God. In the meantime, as a church and as individuals, we need to do a good job of protection and cleaning. We also need to respect and listen to the guidance of government authorities.

Given the changes of the COVID-19 epidemic, there may be two changes in the form of Sunday worship in the future.

The first is to add webcasts to the existing church worship so that those who need self-isolation, are unwell, or are on business/vacation travel, can participate in church worship in real time anywhere by smart phone/computer. We are speeding up the testing of these webcasts. Secondly, if the Indiana State Government or Hamilton County Government where the church is located has clear instructions or interventions due to the epidemic, such as the closure of public schools, cancellation of large gatherings, then the church will only provide live webcasts of worship until further notice.

CCCI pastoral team and deacon board will closely monitor the development and actively respond to changes in the epidemic and rely on the Lord to overcome the current difficulties with brothers and sisters.




首先是在現有的教會崇拜加上網絡直播,幫助需要自我隔離的,身體不適的、在外出差的或外出旅行的,可以藉著智能手機 / 計算機在任何地方即時參與教會的崇拜,我們會加快對網絡直播的測試工作。其次,如果教會所在地的印州州政府或Hamilton縣政府因疫情有明確的指示和干預,比如公立學校關閉,大型集會需要取消,屆時教會就單單提供崇拜的網路直播,直到另行通知。


March 8, 2020

With the escalation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, the CCCI pastoral team and deacon board is closely monitoring the development and is committed to keeping brothers and sisters as healthy as possible. We understand these are sensitive times, but we also gather by faith and seek God’s protection for His people. Please review this guidance at our website as it may update pending ongoing development of COVID-19 and further guidance from local regulations and authorities.

Reduce risk

Currently, we will continue to have regular activities at CCCI including Sunday worship, Sundays school, Wednesday Prayer meeting, Friday Youth group, AWANA program, etc. At the same time, we ask you to avoid attending any church activity if any of the conditions are met:

  • You have had any flu-like symptoms in the past 7 days such as fever, cough, vomiting, or shortness of breath
  • You have been in close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms in the past 7 days
  • You have traveled from an area in the past 14 days with confirmed cases and suspect you may have been exposed
  • You or others in your household have traveled to or from China, Italy, Iran, or South Korea or any other country flagged as level 2 or level 3 alerts in the past 14 days

Church activities and Worship etiquette

  • Greet each other with a bow and avoid shaking hands or hugging
  • Keep good hygiene and frequently wash hands with soap for 20 seconds
  • In case of cough or sneeze, use a tissue to cover up mouth if possible or on to the elbow if tissue is not available
  • Avoid touching your face to prevent contact
  • Holy Communion will be served in a pre-packaged kit with bread and cup together
  • We will make all efforts to supply hand sanitizer at key positions of our church to encourage usage
  • Increase building signage to encourage hand washing

Impacted activities

  • Due to the heightened measures of prevention of COVID-19, we will temporarily suspend the luncheon service at CCCI until further notice (Starting March 15th)
  • Snacks will not be provided to children's activities including AWANA, Chinese School and Sunday School until further notice
  • Bible study at the senior apartment on Wednesdays will be suspended until further notice
  • Small group activities (Friday gatherings) can continue in the format they decide (e.g. – at church or in homes as normal or online or other)
  • Weekday evening community sports activities will be suspended until further notice


  • Pray for the many medical professionals, public safety professionals, educators, missionaries, and others who are affected
  • Pray for the Lord’s protection from illness among our people
  • Pray for gospel opportunities to come from this outbreak
  • Pray for wisdom regarding ministry impact in the event of local COVID-19 cases

Thank you for helping us to keep Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis a safe place to learn and serve together in Christ.

Additional references:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Indiana State Department of Health

印城華人教會 -冠狀病毒COVID-19指南





  • 您在過去7天中有任何類似流感的症狀,例如發燒,咳嗽,嘔吐或呼吸急促
  • 在過去7天內,您一直與患有流感樣症狀的人有密切聯繫與接觸。
  • 您在過去14天內旅行至某個有確診病例的地區/場合,而且懷疑自己在外可能已經接觸到病毒。
  • 您或您家庭中的其他人在過去14天內往返於中國,意大利,伊朗,韓國或任何其他標記為2級或3級警報的國家


  • 互相鞠躬打招呼,避免握手或擁抱。
  • 保持衛生,經常用肥皂洗手20秒。
  • 如果咳嗽或打噴嚏,請盡可能用紙巾遮住嘴;如果沒有紙巾,請用肘部遮掩
  • 避免觸摸臉部以防止傳染。
  • 聖餐將以包裝套件提供。
  • 我們將盡一切努力在教堂的關鍵位置提供洗手液,以鼓勵使用。
  • 增加建築物標誌,以鼓勵洗手。


  • 為了加強預防COVID-19的傳播,我們將從3月15日開始暫停CCCI的午餐服務,直至另行通知 。
  • 兒童活動暫時停止提供零食小吃,這包括AWANA,中文學校和主日學,直至另行通知。
  • 暫停老人公寓星期三的研經聚會,直至另行通知 。
  • 星期五晚間小組團契可以根據具體情況,自行決定聚會的形式。
  • 教會暫停週間晚上開放給社區的體育活動,直至另行通知。


  • 為許多醫療專業人員,公共安全專業人員,教育工作者,宣教士和其他受災者祈禱。
  • 祈求主保護我們的人民免受疾病侵害。
  • 為這次溫疫的發生使我們能有更多傳福音的機會禱告。
  • 為本地發生COVID-19病例影響教會事工時,能有智慧地來處理禱告。



2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Indiana State Department of Health